Interesting month following the massive activity of January. Investors very keen to purchase before the tax and stamp duty changes that are on the horizon. Time is running out and those who need to get a North Wiltshire Local Authority Search are nervous that they might not come in- in time. Investors who are paying cash are giving great consideration to Search Indemnity Policies.
A great number of buyers are either not yet on the market and waiting for their perfect property to be launched or reviewing their asking price to try and get the property they have seen. This has led to numerous offers being made from people who just can’t quite fully proceed yet.
Stock levels are around a third down from four years ago which is creating the market we are in. Buyers waiting for the right home to be launched before putting their home on the market which has had a knock on to a reduction in stock levels. So offers from buyers who haven’t sold yet may become the norm.
No Chain is a major attraction. Buyers who in turn have a buyer don’t want to lose them. So some are turning away from homes with no vacancy date. We have seen a premium paid for some no chain homes. Open Days are an interesting marketing strategy. If planned well they work well. The feedback we are getting is that buyers don’t want to wait a week or two to see a home and they are not always organised at the best time for the buyer. How many buyers are lost just to fit the Agent’s diary?
March will be interesting. Major national events like the General Election do slow things down in the run up and now we have the E.U. referendum. Looking at the large number of people wanting to move and the low stock levels could mean not too much of a slow-down.
OPTIMUM SELLING DAYS are still SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS. So no change there and we have to be around to service that demand.