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[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Sept 4th 2014

Since our August update North Wiltshire Searches are now taking 8 weeks to come in according to a number of local Solicitors. If you are looking to sell your home and be in for Christmas it might be prudent to apply for a Search yourself immediately.

At Butfield Breach we are trying to investigate the situation as we were advised that there was an action plan in place to aim to get searches in within three weeks. That would be through recruitment and other actions. It will be interesting to see what has caused this catastrophe.

Apparently West Wiltshire and Kennett are getting Searches in within three weeks. They are in the same office we believe. Very strange indeed!

The service is paid for by Buyers and Sellers so one would expect Wiltshire Council to ring fence this money to ensure that they help the process. The problem has been there for some time now. A Business would not allow this to happen![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Local Searches now taking 8 weeks![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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