With the forecast of Sunny weather to come it seems that finally more houses are on the verge of coming to the market. Stock levels are down around 60% on two years ago which has led to homes selling very quickly, especially under the £250,000 price bracket.
Interestingly we are consistently selling homes from our ‘Coming Soon’ page on the Butfield Breach website. The ‘Wanted’ page has also grown and changed. The main changes on the wanted have been in price bandings as buyers have increased their budgets to get the property they really want.
Compromise is also a key word we are coming across more and more. Buyers are very willing to forgo some of their wants to ensure that they can buy a home. Those who are focused on period homes only have been buying modern homes and those who want a house in the lower ranges have bought apartments.
Prices have stayed similar to May with one or two special homes encountering numerous bidders. This has led to prices achieved over asking price.
It is a watch this space for July for what will hopefully be an influx of new to the market homes.