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I’m sure you have heard all the press coverage about the Wiltshire Section of the A4 on BBC Radio Wiltshire this past few weeks.

Groups have got together stretching from Hungerford to Bath to propose a new tourist route focusing on our area. Calne geographically is central to the route and will be sure to benefit from the proposal

Visit Wiltshire have been key in helping the project and have also been very active in supporting Calne over the last year. The A4 Tourist Group for Calne has been headed by David Dillamore of the Rotary Club and John Skinner in the main.

It is a group that has evolved from the Calne Tourism Group (Our Place Project) and has expanded into something very special and exciting. Visit Wiltshire helped advise on the new branding for Calne being the ‘Home of the Wiltshire Cure’ (Wiltshire Ham) which is currently being rolled out.

BBC Radio Wiltshire have had quite a week with the A4 capturing the imagination. Even the proposal of a special song to mimic that of Route 66.


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